FAQ & Terms of Use

Email questions to [email protected]

  • What is Eco-Ag U Online?

    Build by Acres U.S.A., we have been the voice of eco-agriculture since 1971. With magazines, books and events, this online learning initiative is aimed at modernizing our tools for today's farmer, and allowing more growers around the world to have access to vital, how-to information based on soil-health and farming practices that have been designed to lead you to a profit.

    In other words, you have discovered an authentic site aimed at teaching real farmers proven models that work. If you have any questions about this, or any of our courses, send us a note at [email protected], and our team based in Greeley, Colorado, will get back to you.

  • Who are these courses designed for?

    The courses are designed for any person who wants to learn growing systems that are ecological, economical, regenerative and focused on soil health. Our courses could benefit everyone from a large-scale commercial farmer looking to diversify their operation, a small-scale organic farmer looking to try new methods, or even a backyard enthusiast who wants to know how healthy food can be grown.

  • How are the instructors chosen?

    Every course is designed and led by an expert farmer who practices what they teach. The lessons are written, recorded and organized by real farmers and experienced instructors, with the help of the professional editors at Acres U.S.A.

  • How long does each course take to complete?

    Each class will take you up to 6-12 hours to complete, depending on your interest, commitment level and starting point.

    Why this length? The detail and complexity of these classes are based on our live Eco-Ag conferences, where we teach more than 1,000 farmers every year in person, and have since 1975.

    Each lesson is clearly labeled and built to be completed in 30 minutes or less, allowing you to smartly use your free time and downtime to work through the class. Audio, video, text, pictures and quizzes are intricately woven together ensure a strong syllabus and curriculum for every course.

  • How long will I have access to my course?

    You will have access to the course for the life of Eco-Ag U Online. We are building these for you to use over the long term. Once you purchase, you will have immediate and free access to updates, new information and class discussions are added.

  • Are the courses guaranteed?

    We stand by the information in these classes. That said, if you are not satisfied with your course and truly do not feel it has helped you, you can email our customer service team at [email protected] and we will work with you on a refund. First, we would like to understand how to make the course stronger!

    We have been teaching farmers through classes, books and our magazine since 1971, we know this information has helped thousands of farmers. It just has never been presented before at this level, including video updates from our instructors.

  • How do I reset my password?

    Students can reset their passwords from their My Account page.

    1. Login to Thinkific site

    2. Click avatar in the top-right header

    3. Click My Account

    4. Select Password on the left menu

    5. Input new password under Change Password and Retype Password

    6. Input original password under Current Password

    7. Click Update

  • Where do I access my billing information?

    To access your Billing details, click on your name or picture in the top right of your Thinkific site header and select My Account.

    Then select the Billing tab.

    From here you can:

    • View/update your saved credit card.

    • View/cancel your recurring payments to you (i.e. subscriptions and payment plans).

    All information is private and will not be shared outside of Acres U.S.A.

  • Can I share my log in information so others can take the course?

    There's no way we can prevent students from sharing logins as we do not want to limit students from accessing your course on multiple devices, but we don't see this issue often. This is for a couple of reasons:

    On a shared account, it would be hard for an individual to keep track of their progress through the course. The system is designed to track student progress and resume course content where they left off. As such, it's difficult for the experience to be replicated for more than one individual.

    Also, generally most online students are honorable people! We find that when students invest money and time in a course, it is less likely that they will want to share this with others.

    Lastly, please be honest! We worked hard to keep these prices as low as possible for farmers around the world.